Che documenti inserire nel check in Ryanair?

Che documenti inserire nel check in Ryanair?
Per fare il check-in on line Ryanair bisogna avere a disposizione il numero di prenotazione e un documento di identità: infatti sul sito o sulla app Ryanair verrà richiesto di inserire nome e cognome di tutti i passeggeri, e il numero di un documento di identità a scelta fra carta di identità o passaporto.
How do I check in with Ryanair on my computer?
- Ryanair online check-in from PC The first obvious thing to do to complete the check-in is to open the Ryanair website and click on “My flights”. Here you will need to enter your account credentials to log in. In the new screen that opens you will find the list of trips made in the past and the list of trips you have booked.
How far in advance can you check in with Ryanair?
- Luckily, you can check in online with Ryanair from 48 hours to two hours before departure, or from 60 days before departure if you have chosen a reserved seat, thus avoiding the long lines at the airport and at no additional cost..
How can I save money on my Ryanair holiday?
- Choose Ryanair Rooms. Stay with us and save up to 30% on your room plus earn 5% Flight Credit on your stay. Book Ryanair Car Hire. Book your car hire with us for the widest choice of cars at the lowest price. Use Ryanair Tickets. We have tickets to over 2,000 of Europe’s top attractions in one place.