In che città è ambientato The Good Wife?

In che città è ambientato The Good Wife?
2 – Lo show è ambientato a Chicago, ma è girato a New York. Il pilot è stato girato in Canada e le riprese dovevano continuare lì. Ma Julianna Margulies chiese ai produttori di girare a New York perché era appena diventata madre e non poteva partire per il Canada per nove mesi all'anno.
Come è morto Will in The Good Wife?
Nell'episodio, infatti, Will (Josh Charles) viene ucciso da un colpo di pistola da parte di un folle cliente. Esce di scena, quindi, uno dei personaggi principali dello show, da sempre vicino alla protagonista Alicia (Julianna Margulies) e la cui relazione “proibita” è sempre stata uno dei temi principali dello show.
What is 'the Good Wife' about?
- Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) has been a good wife to her husband, a former state's attorney. After a very humiliating sex and corruption scandal, he is behind bars. She must now provide for her family and returns to work as a litigator in a law firm. The Good Wife: Why Don't You Work For Us Full Time? The Good Wife: Do I Know You?
Who are the producers of the Good Wife TV show?
- The Good Wife. The executive producers are Ridley Scott, Charles McDougall, and David W. Zucker. The Good Wife is a heavily serialized show featuring several story arcs that carry over several episodes, as well as stand-alone procedural storylines that are concluded by the end of each episode.
What kind of person is Alicia from the Good Wife?
- Alicia is smart, independent, fiercely protective of her children, and much more than just a good wife. She excels at keeping a cool exterior. She is rarely ruffled and almost always thinks through what she is going to say, choosing her words for maximum impact or sting.