Quali sono le patologie associate alla psoriasi?

Quali sono le patologie associate alla psoriasi?
Le altre malattie che chi soffre di psoriasi ha maggiori probabilità di avere includono la malattia di Crohn, la sindrome di Sjogren (occhi secchi e bocca secca), la colite ulcerosa, l'orticaria cronica, il lupus, la malattia di Addison, la vitiligine, la glomerulonefrite cronica, le cicatrici polmonari e l'arterite a ...
How is psoriasis of the palms and soles treated?
- Mild psoriasis of the palms and soles may be treated with topical treatments: Emollients: thick, greasy barrier creams applied thinly and frequently to moisturise the dry, scaly skin and help prevent painful cracking. Keratolytic agents such as urea or salicylic acid to thin down the thick scaling skin.
Can you get psoriasis on the top of your feet?
- In this Article. Psoriasis on these areas is most likely to show up on the palms and soles. This is called palmar-plantar psoriasis. But it can also appear on the tops of your feet, backs of your hands, and on knuckles and nails.
How do doctors choose the best psoriasis treatment?
- Although doctors choose treatments based on the type and severity of psoriasis and the areas of skin affected, the traditional approach is to start with the mildest treatments — topical creams and ultraviolet light therapy (phototherapy) — in people with typical skin lesions (plaques) and then progress to stronger ones only if necessary.
What is psoriasis and what are the symptoms?
- Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease in which there are clearly defined, red, scaly plaques (thickened skin). There are various subtypes of psoriasis. Psoriasis is linked to other health conditions, including inflammatory arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease (especially Crohn disease), uveitis and coeliac disease.