Cosa mangiare prima di una seduta di chemioterapia?


Cosa mangiare prima di una seduta di chemioterapia?

Cosa mangiare prima di una seduta di chemioterapia?

Fra gli alimenti, sono da preferire quelli ricchi di sodio o potassio - banane, arance, succo di pesca e albicocca, patate bollite e purè -; i cibi poveri di fibre (riso integrale, pane tostato), yogurt bianco e pesce il cui grasso riduce l'infiammazione.

Cosa si può mangiare quando si fa la chemioterapia?

La dieta dopo la chemioterapia dovrà ritornare a un equilibrio fondato su verdure e cereali poco raffinati, legumi e pesce, limitando invece gli alimenti ad alto indice glicemico e insulinemico e ad alto contenuto di grassi saturi (carni bovine e prodotti lattocaseari).

What happens after Chemo is finished?

  • After your chemotherapy has finished, you will have regular check-ups and possibly scans or x-rays. This will depend on the type of cancer and the treatments you have had. Many people find they get very anxious before their appointments. This is natural.

Is Chemo worth it?

  • Suffering through cancer chemotherapy is worth it -- when it helps patients live longer. But many patients end up with no real benefit from enduring chemo after surgical removal of a tumor. Going in, it's been hard to predict how much chemo will help prevent tumor recurrence or improve survival chances.

How to give intraperitoneal chemo?

  • The rationale for administering chemotherapy directly into the peritoneal cavity is supported by preclinical, pharmacokinetic, and pharmacodynamics data. Compared with intravenous (IV) treatment, intraperitoneal (IP) administration permits a several-fold increase in drug concentration to be achieved within the abdominal cavity.

Is radiation necessary after chemo?

  • For small nasopharyngeal tumors, radiation therapy may be the only treatment necessary. In other situations, radiation therapy may be combined with chemotherapy. Radiation therapy carries a risk of side effects, including temporary skin redness, hearing loss and dry mouth.

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