Quante sono le puntate di Conan il ragazzo del futuro?

Quante sono le puntate di Conan il ragazzo del futuro?
26 Conan il ragazzo del futuro/Numero di puntate La serie animata Conan il ragazzo del futuro è stata prodotta nel 1978 dalla Nippon Animation in 26 episodi ed è stata trasmessa in Italia su varie tv locali nei primi anni Ottanta in un'edizione parzialmente censurata.
How old is Conan from Conan the Barbarian?
- The main protagonist of the series, Conan, is an 11 year old boy who grew up on the island and was raised by his grandfather. Conan is very strong, and can even hang from a ledge using only his toes.
Who is Monsley in Conan the Barbarian?
- A young commander of Industria's armed forces, Monsley is the second non-Islander Conan sees. Piloting the flying boat Falco, she follows Lepka's orders by helping capture Lana, and eventually leading the invasion of Industria to conquer the High Habor.
Who is the first girl Conan sees?
- Lana is the first non-Remnant Island inhabitant, and the first girl Conan sees. Lana is the granddaughter of Dr. Lao, and Lepka wants to use her to get Lao to tell him the secret of solar power. Lana is referred to as possessing ESP, allowing her to communicate with a tern named Tikki, as well as sense the presence of her grandpa.
How strong is Conan the Dragon Slayer?
- Conan is very strong, and can even hang from a ledge using only his toes. Conan is friends with Lana. Lana is the first non-Remnant Island inhabitant, and the first girl Conan sees. Lana is the granddaughter of Dr. Lao, and Lepka wants to use her to get Lao to tell him the secret of solar power.