Come si manifesta una febbre reumatica?

Come si manifesta una febbre reumatica?
La malattia si caratterizza per la comparsa di febbre, dolore e gonfiore delle articolazioni (artrite) transitoria, qualche volta interessamento cardiaco (cardite). Alcuni bambini possono manifestare nel tempo un particolare movimento disordinato del corpo chiamato corea. I NUMERI DELLA FEBBRE REUMATICA.
Come si acquisisce lo streptococco?
Si trasmette tramite la saliva e si diagnostica con un semplice tampone alla gola. Va trattato con una terapia antibiotica di circa 10 giorni e se trattato correttamente non comporta complicanze.
Are there any tests that do not apply to streptococci?
- There are some instances where all the tests do not need to be applied; i.e., the beta-hemolytic streptococci and the pneumococci. There are specific tests that clinical microbiologist perform when these pathogens are suspected. These situations and tests will be discussed in the section on streptococci. Table 1.
What is Group A streptococcus?
- Group A Streptococcus (group A strep) is a bacterium that can cause many different infections, including strep throat, scarlet fever, impetigo, and others. The bacteria live in the nose and throat. When someone who is infected coughs or sneezes, the bacteria travel in small droplets of water called respiratory droplets.
What is the difference between Pediococcus and viridans streptococci?
- The Pediococcus strains appear very similar to the viridans streptococci on blood agar media and can be easily misidentified as viridans streptococci. All strains of pediococci tested have been resistant to vancomycin and all strains of viridans streptococci have been sensitive to vancomycin.
How can I protect myself from Group A strep infections?
- Practicing good hygiene, like washing your hands often, is the best way to protect yourself from group A strep infections. Information about strep throat, scarlet fever, necrotizing fasciitis, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever...