Who is the father of the baby in Bridget Jones Baby?


Who is the father of the baby in Bridget Jones Baby?

Who is the father of the baby in Bridget Jones Baby?

The story then jumps ahead in time to Mark and Bridget's wedding, with Jack as a guest holding onto baby William, and the movie finally reveals that Mark is the father.

What happened Bridget Jones Baby?

When she becomes pregnant, Bridget realizes she doesn't know who the father is, but both men are dedicated to helping her through the process. In the end, the baby turns out to be Mark's, and he and Bridget get married, but Jack remains good friends with both of them.

How old is the baby in Bridget Jones Baby?

43 In Bridget Jones's Baby, Bridget (Renée Zellweger) finds herself unexpectedly pregnant at the age of 43 after having one-night stands with handsome dating guru Jack Quant (Patrick Dempsey) and old flame Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) in quick succession.

Is Bridget's baby Mark Darcy's?

After the events of the movie/book, Mark Darcy is found out to be the father of Bridget's baby instead of Jack Qwant (or Daniel Cleaver, if you only read the book BJB). Bridget and Mark get married, going on to raise their son William "Billy".

How did Bridget Jones get pregnant?

Bridget, at 43, becomes pregnant accidentally after a one-night stand at a music festival with Dempsey's character, Jack Qwant (the aforementioned billionaire). But a week later, she also sleeps with Mark. Much of the humor of the film comes from Bridget trying to hedge her bets, unsure of the father's identity.

Why is Hugh Grant not in Bridget Jones's Baby?

He then reprised his role Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason in 2004, though he pulled out of appearing in the comeback movie Bridget Jones's Baby in 2016. It was said at the time that it was due to creative differences over the movie's script.

What does Bridget Jones call her baby?

William After the wedding Mark and Jack, now friends, head to the reception together, while Bridget carries her and Mark's son, William.

Is Bridget Jones's Baby a good movie?

  • In short, Bridget Jones's Baby is not a great Bridget Jones movie, but it is a Bridget Jones movie, and maybe that's all people need. What's with the Alice reference?

What happened to Bridget Jones on her 43th birthday?

  • On her 43rd birthday, Bridget Jones is awoken by her mother who reminds her that her time to have children is running out. She goes to attend the funeral of Daniel Cleaver, who is presumed dead after a plane crash. While there, she sees her ex, Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) and his new wife.

What is the error code for Bridget Jones's Baby?

  • Please reference “Error Code 2121” when contacting customer service. Bridget Jones's Baby might be late on arrival, but fans of the series should still find its third installment a bouncing bundle of joy. Read critic reviews

Is Bridget Jones married to Mark Darcy?

  • Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger) comes to terms with her 43rd birthday and her permanent childless single status. Bridget attends Daniel Cleaver's funeral after his disappearance. Surprisingly, Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) shows up with his wife. Everybody is married with children, even the gays.

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