Perché guardare Black Sails?

Perché guardare Black Sails?
La regia e i costumi. Le ambientazioni e i costumi di scena sono mozzafiato, degni di un film hollywoodiane, e la regia non è da meno. Le battaglie in mare soprattutto fanno venir voglia di arruolarsi e lasciare scrivanie e libri antipatici alla volta della libertà che solo il mare può concedere.
Dove vedere tutte le stagioni di Black Sails?
Trovi Black Sails in streaming in abbonamento su Netflix e Amazon Prime Video. La serie tv Black Sails è disponibile in streaming con la modalità acquisto su: CHILI a 9,99€ per la versione SD, a 9,99€ per la versione HD.
What is your review of Black Sails?
- In short, Black Sails is one of the most thoroughly enjoyable dramatic series ever. It's great adventure, great drama, and by far the best screen representation of the great days of nautical piracy. This is one series you don't want to miss. 262 out of 292 found this helpful.
Is Black Sails a prequel to Treasure Island?
- A prequel to the classic Robert Louis Stevenson novel "Treasure Island," "Black Sails" is a pirate adventure that centers on the tales of Captain Flint, who has a reputation throughout the West Indies as being the most brilliant, most feared of all the Golden Age pirates.
How did the Black Sails fandom start?
- Unintentionally, her pieces started to act as a homing beacon to the small, but seriously devoted fanbase of Black Sails around the world. People began learning of one another and realized that they weren’t alone in their passionate feelings. So a fandom — still on the outskirts of mass media — began to form.
What are the similarities between Black Sails and Deadwood?
- For example, Black Sails is highly reminiscent of the series Deadwood: both are dark, violent and based loosely on real people and real events. (In both series, some of the most unbelievable events are the true ones.) There are also similarities to the series Rome, as far as the strong characters, ongoing rivalries,...