Quanto dura la fioritura della colza?

Quanto dura la fioritura della colza?
La fioritura, molto duratura, avviene a metà primavera: i fiori sono composti da 4 petali opposti due a due, come tipico per questa famiglia. Il loro colore è un bellissimo giallo chiaro.
What is canola crop?
- Canola is a crop with plants from three to five feet tall that produce pods from which seeds are harvested and crushed to create canola oil and meal. These plants also produce small, yellow flowers, which beautify the environment.
Where did the name canola come from?
- The name ‘Canola’ was registered as a trademark in Canada in 1970. The name comes from Can as in Canada and ola as in oil! The plant was bred by Canadian scientists, Dr. Baldur Stefansson and Dr. Keith Downey, who selected rapeseed populations when looking for a crop that would produce a healthy, edible oil product.
How tall does a canola plant grow?
- On the farm, these plants grow to a height of one to two metres. Canola is a plant that is a member of a large family of plants called crucifers. Crucifers are easy to identify because the four yellow flower petals form the shape of a cross. The yellow flower produces seed pods that are about 5 centimetres in length.
What is the life cycle of a canola plant?
- When it is ready to harvest, the plant changes colour from green to light yellow. These tiny seeds are crushed to extrude canola oil. From germination to seed production, the life cycle of a canola plant takes about 3 ½ months, depending on temperature, moisture, sunlight and soil fertility. Canola is a cool season crop.