Come disdire Mediaset Premium Infinity?


Come disdire Mediaset Premium Infinity?

Come disdire Mediaset Premium Infinity?

Il primo step da fare, è quello di accedere all'interno della vostra area clienti tramite le credenziali che vi ha rilasciato Mediaset Premium. Fatto ciò, andate su “Gestisci Account” e poi cliccate su “Modifica” che trovate nella sezione “Dettagli Sottoscrizione” e scegliete l'opzione “Sospendi rinnovo automatico”.

Come inviare un messaggio a Mediaset?

  1. Queste sono le principali email delle reti Mediaset:
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  8. °°VERISSIMO : Sms: 48430. Mail:

What is Mediaset Premium?

  • Mediaset Premium is an Italian digital terrestrial television service provided by Mediaset. It provides pay TV and pay-per-view (only for football matches) through the use of a smart card as well as video on demand through its Premium Play and Premium Online streaming service.

When did medmediaset premium start?

  • Mediaset Premium was launched on Janu, initially offering only pay-per-view services for movies and sports. In January 2008, it became a full pay TV, launching the package "Premium Gallery", available, with a package for football matches, through monthly subscription or prepaid.

What's new at Mediaset?

  • Mediaset launched a new service called Infinity, a new non-linear "over-the-top" TV system that offers films, TV series, cartoons, anime; in addition to all of the Mediaset channels' programmes. Mediaset launched a new free-to-air channel: Top Crime.

When did Mediaset launch Mediashopping?

  • Mediaset launches Mediashopping, a shopping channel. In 2005, the group launched Mediaset Premium, a pay digital terrestrial television service which offered live Serie A football, with a pre-paid card and without a subscription. Mediaset Premium also had a pay-per-view offer including films (including first TV-screenings), theatre and live events.

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