Come finisce il film Che pasticcio Bridget Jones?

Come finisce il film Che pasticcio Bridget Jones?
Bridget, che non ricambia il suo amore, glielo dice e prende un taxi per raggiungere Mark; lo trova in riunione e gli dichiara il suo amore e lui, usciti dalla sala, le chiede di sposarla. Nel finale, i genitori di Bridget si risposano e Mark e Bridget si baciano.
Who does Bridget Jones end up with?
- After many drama-filled events and a lot of back and forth, Bridget eventually ends up with.. Mark Darcy, played, of course, by Colin Firth. This should make many fans extremely happy, as Mark has been viewed as the love of Bridget's life, her one true soulmate.
Is Bridget Jones' Baby on Hulu?
- Bridget Jones's Baby Full Movie Online Hulu Plus. On her 43rd birthday, Bridget Jones is awoken by her mom who reminds her that her period to have children is turn out. She goes to attend the funeral of Daniel Cleaver, who is presumed dead after a plane wreck. While there she sees her ex, Mark Darcy ( Colin Firth ), and his tally wife.
How many Bridget Jones movies have there been?
- There have been two Bridget Jones films: Bridget Jone's Diary (2001) and Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason (2004) - no plans yet for a third.
Will there be another Bridget Jones movie?
- At this time, Universal Pictures has not announced any official plans to make another Bridget Jones film. But I wouldn't count her out just yet. Yahoo News reported from the London premiere of Bridget Jones's Baby that Zellweger is open to the idea of another sequel.