Qual è il sito meteo più attendibile?

Qual è il sito meteo più attendibile?
Per le stesse ragioni descritte per le app, i siti che si prefiggono di dare informazioni sul meteo che negli anni sono risultati i più affidabili sono i seguenti: 3B Meteo. Meteo Aeronautica. ilMeteo.it.
Quanto è affidabile il meteo It?
Le previsioni fornite su base oraria, si spingono fino a 7 giorni ed ottengono una attendibilità pari al 95% a 3gg, 90% a 5gg e 80% a 7gg, risultati inimmaginabili solo pochi anni fa. Inoltre con la tecnica ensemble ci si può spingere a 2 settimane.
Who is metmeto systems?
- METO Systems is a manufacturer of process and industrial material handling equipment for various industries but not limited to Pharmaceuticals, Food Industry, Nutraceutical, and Fine Chemicals.
What is Meto International GmbH?
- Checkpoint International GmbH is renamed METO International GmbH for this purpose. Our METO product line (labelling and sales promotion systems) becomes a division of Checkpoint Systems Inc. The new "METO EAGLE" equipment line generation is developed in the premium segment and launched on the market.
What's new at METO?
- METO introduces "Your Retail Label Expert" as a new claim. Barcode labels and electromagnetic security labels are added to the product portfolio. Checkpoint Systems is taken over by CCL Industries Inc. and METO made an independent company within the CCL group.
What is Meto Eagle?
- The new "METO EAGLE" equipment line generation is developed in the premium segment and launched on the market. The sale of labelling and sales promotion products to regional customers in Germany is transferred to independent franchise partners. METO is taken over by Checkpoint Systems Inc. (Thorofare/USA), a US merchandise security specialist.