Come funziona il leasing Fiat?

Come funziona il leasing Fiat?
Leasing Auto E' possibile programmare al meglio il pagamento dei canoni periodici, definire l'anticipo iniziale, disporre di un'auto sempre nuova, pianificare i costi di gestione e decidere se acquistare o meno il veicolo solo al termine del contratto.
Come funziona il leasing?
Con il contratto di leasing l'azienda paga, ad una società di intermediazione, una somma mensile comprensiva degli interessi pattuiti. Al termine del periodo previsto dal contratto, il conduttore può riscattare la vettura che diventa di sua proprietà.
Can you rent a long-term car in Italy?
- LONG TERM CAR RENTAL IN ITALY. Rent a long-term car in Italy with SIXT for a hassle-free alternative to short-term leasing. Our extensive fleet of top car models offers you the chance to drive your dream car for an extended period, whether you are on vacation or simply need a car replacement in Italy.
Who is leasys rent?
- Who Leasys Rent is. Having successfully established in Italy the most important Car Rental provider Leasys Rent SpA takes on new colours and launches its new brand. Leasys offers a wide range of rental services with attractive solutions and competitive rates both for private individuals and companies of all sizes.
Why choose leaseleasys?
- Leasys offers a wide range of rental services with attractive solutions and competitive rates both for private individuals and companies of all sizes. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Cookies enable us to provide you functionalities such as security, network management and accessibility.
Why choose leasys rent spa?
- Having successfully established in Italy the most important Car Rental provider Leasys Rent SpA takes on new colours and launches its new brand. Leasys offers a wide range of rental services with attractive solutions and competitive rates both for private individuals and companies of all sizes.