Dove si trova l'aurora boreale in Norvegia?


Dove si trova l'aurora boreale in Norvegia?

Dove si trova l'aurora boreale in Norvegia?

Uno dei luoghi più indicati per la ricerca dell'aurora polare è senz'altro rappresentato dalle isola Svalbard, che si trovano nel mezzo dell'Oceano Artico, a metà strada tra la Norvegia e il Polo Nord. In particolare qui c'è un luogo in cui i viaggiatori provenienti da tutto il mondo si recano per vedere l'aurora.

When will the next Aurora Borealis appear?

  • The solar minimum occurred in December 2019, which kicked off the start of a new solar cycle, known to experts at NOAA and NASA as Solar Cycle 25. We’re currently closer to the minimum, and will ramp up to the next expected maximum in July 2025.

Where to watch Aurora Borealis?

  • AURORAS OCCUR along ring-shaped regions around the north and south geomagnetic poles. Fairbanks, Alaska, is a good place for Aurora watching because it is under this region in the north, where people see Aurora Borealis, or northern lights; the southern Aurora is Aurora Australis.

What creates Aurora Borealis?

  • The aurora borealis is caused by charged particles from the Sun interacting with our atmosphere. During times of increased solar activity, the Sun can eject charged particles towards Earth, creating solar wind. Solar wind rushes straight at our planet until it reaches Earth's magnetic field, called the magnetosphere.

Where can you see the aurora borealis?

  • The most popular place for viewing the rare and spectacular phenomenon in Alaska is Fairbanks. Even though it's located just below the Arctic Circle , 180 mi (290 km) south to be more precise, the aurora borealis appears quite frequently there.

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