Come è il Tritone?

Come è il Tritone?
Il tritone è un anfibio della famiglia Salamandridae contraddistinto da un corpo gracile e allungato, che termina con una lunga coda. La lunghezza dell'animale è compresa in genere tra gli 8 e i 14 centimetri.
Come si curano i tritoni?
I tritoni richiedono acqua relativamente fredda (tra i 10° e i 20°), in un acquario che possa contenere più di 30 lt di acqua, così da poterlo accoglierli anche da adulti e dove possano avere spazio a sufficienza. È importante che il loro habitat contenga una parte asciutta, nel rapporto con l'acqua di circa uno a tre.
What is the meaning of the word triton?
- Triton (mythology) Jump to navigation Jump to search. Triton (/ˈtraɪtən/; Greek: Τρίτων Tritōn) is a Greek god of the sea, the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, god and goddess of the sea respectively.
Where did Triton live in Greek mythology?
- Triton (mythology) Triton ( / ˈtraɪtən /; Greek: Τρίτων Tritōn) is a Greek god of the sea, the son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, god and goddess of the sea respectively. Triton lived with his parents, in a golden palace on the bottom of the sea. Later he was often depicted as having a conch shell he would blow like a trumpet.
What is the significance of the tritone in music?
- Contrarily, the tritone found in the dominant seventh chord helps establish the tonality of a composition. These contrasting uses exhibit the flexibility, ubiquity, and distinctness of the tritone in music. The condition of having tritones is called tritonia; that of having no tritones is atritonia.
How many Tritons are there in a diatonic scale?
- According to this definition, within a diatonic scale there is only one tritone for each octave. For instance, the above-mentioned interval F–B is the only tritone formed from the notes of the C major scale. A tritone is also commonly defined as an interval spanning six semitones. According to this definition,...