Quali sono i tumori endocrini?


Quali sono i tumori endocrini?

Quali sono i tumori endocrini?

Cosa sono i NET e quanto sono diffusi I tumori neuroendocrini (NET, Neuroendocrine Tumors) sono neoplasie che originano da aggregati di cellule endocrine presenti a livello di diversi organi, più frequentemente intestino, stomaco, pancreas o polmoni.

Come si formano le metastasi?

La metastasi è il fenomeno con cui le cellule tumorali si spostano dalla zona in cui si sono formate a un'altra parte del corpo. Le cellule metastatiche si staccano da un tumore primario, viaggiano nel sangue o nei vasi linfatici e formano un nuovo tumore secondario in altri organi o tessuti.

Chi produce peptidi neuroendocrini?

Ipotalamo. Il sistema endocrino è costituito da numerose ghiandole in tutto il corpo che producono e secernono ormoni di diversa struttura chimica, inclusi peptidi, steroidi e neuroammine. In generale, gli ormoni regolano molti processi fisiologici.

What are the symptoms of endocrine cancer?

  • Symptoms of endocrine tumors vary according to tumor type. If your child has an endocrine tumor, you may see some of these general symptoms: A thickening or lump in any part of the body. Ongoing pain in a specific area. Anxiety or panic attacks. Feeling nervous. Feeling irritable.

What is the treatment for endocrine cancer?

  • Treatment of endocrine system cancer depends on the underlying type of cancer and the staging of the disease, as well as the age and other health problems of the patient. Treatments include: Medical management of any hormonal or electrolyte imbalances due to tumor over or undersecretion prior to surgery. Surgery - for tumor removal. Radiotherapy.

What are endocrine system cancers?

  • Endocrine cancers are malignancies that develop in the endocrine system. The endocrine system produces many hormones that control homeostasis (balance) in the functioning of daily life. Some endocrine glands include the thyroid, pituitary, ovaries, testes, pancreas, adrenals, and the heart.

What is the prognosis for neuroendocrine cancer?

  • Neuroendocrine Tumor: Statistics. Almost all people diagnosed with the disease are over age 50, and 90% of cases occur in white people. The 5-year survival rate of people with Merkel cell cancer is about 60%. It is much higher if the cancer is found early, before it has spread to the lymph nodes or distant parts of the body.

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