Come si usa il PrEP?

Come si usa il PrEP?
1. Assunzione quotidiana della PrEP: Prendi una pillola una volta al giorno - anche nei giorni in cui non hai rapporti sessuali di alcun tipo (orali, anali, vaginali, ecc.) o ti inietti droghe. Il Truvada e il Descovy sono farmaci approvati per la PrEP.
Dove prendere il PrEP?
Le persone senza HIV che hanno necessità di utilizzare la PrEP per prevenire l'infezione da HIV, possono acquistare il farmaco in una farmacia territoriale, dietro presentazione di ricetta medica fatta da un medico infettivologo e pagandolo di persona.
Come prendere PrEP on demand?
due pillole prese insieme tra le 2 e le 24 ore prima di fare sesso; e continui ad assumere una pillola ogni 24 ore fino a 2 giorni dopo l'ultima volta che hai fatto sesso.
How does prep work to prevent HIV?
- PrEP can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout your body. It is highly effective for preventing HIV if used as prescribed, but it is much less effective when not taken consistently. Daily PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90%. Among people who inject drugs, it reduces the risk by more than 70%.
When to get tested for AIDS?
- CDC recommends that health care providers test everyone for HIV between the ages of 13 and 64 at least once as part of routine health care. Talk to a healthcare provider about getting tested. HIV is spread through unprotected sex and drug-injecting behaviors, so people who engage in these behaviors should get tested more often.
How to get PrEP HIV?
- PrEP is very effective at preventing HIV infection. When used every day, it reduces the risk of HIV infection by up to 99 percent. When combined with other HIV prevention strategies, like condoms or treatment as prevention, there is even greater protection.
How effective is Prep in preventing HIV?
- PrEP is most effective when taken consistently each day. CDC reports that studies have shown that consistent use of PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99% and from injection drug use by at least 74%. Adding other prevention methods, such as condom use, along with PrEP can reduce a person’s risk of getting HIV even further.