Che significa carcinoma duttale?

Che significa carcinoma duttale?
Il carcinoma duttale infiltrante è un particolare tipo di tumore al seno. Anche noto come carcinoma duttale invasivo, questo tumore viene così definito per la sua capacità di oltrepassare il confine della struttura mammaria per invadere altre aree corporee.
Cosa sono le cellule Duttali?
Le cellule della ghiandola mammaria sono di due tipi: cellule lobulari, che producono il latte; e. cellule duttali, cosiddette perché formano i dotti (o condotti) che portano il latte al capezzolo.
What does Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia mean?
- Lobular Neoplasia (Atypical Lobular Hyperplasia and Lobular Carcinoma in Situ) Atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) means that there is an overgrowth of abnormal-looking cells in one or more lobules, the breast’s milk-producing sacs.
What is the purpose of a lobular hyperplasia scan?
- It allows a pathologist to determine the location and nature of your cells. The pattern of growth seen in atypical lobular hyperplasia is abnormal and may contain cells that are characteristic of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)—an overgrowth of cells in the lobules.
Should I seek a second opinion for atypical hyperplasia?
- With ALH, you may wish to seek a second opinion, asking another pathologist to review the tissue samples. This might reassure you that this is atypical hyperplasia and not an early form of breast cancer. Whatever your situation, it makes sense to be followed by a doctor with expertise in breast health.
What is the difference between lobular carcinoma in situ and involved acini?
- Distends 50% or more acini within a lobule (so resembles lobular carcinoma in situ) but not uniformly present throughout entire lobule OR Involves all acini in a terminal duct lobular unit (TDLU) and so resembles lobular carcinoma in situ but does not distend the acini (i.e. caliber of the involved acini is similar to that of uninvolved acini)