Perché un ex alcolista non deve più bere?

Perché un ex alcolista non deve più bere?
E' possibile che un alcolista, anche se non cessa completamente di bere, finisca per farlo in maniera sporadica. Questo non corrisponde alla ripresa di un bere normale o controllato, è semplicemente un residuo della malattia, che dalla persona è vissuto negativamente, come una ricaduta, anche se breve.
What is craving explorer and how does it work?
- Craving Explorer is a Chromium-based browser. Chromium is the basis for many of the most popular browsers, including Google Chrome, and its performance has a proven track record. You can use extensions for Chromium in Craving Explorer.
What does craving mean in English?
- English Language Learners Definition of craving. : a very strong desire for something. See the full definition for craving in the English Language Learners Dictionary.
What is chocolate craving?
- : an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing a craving for chocolate a craving for new experiences.
How to download videos from cracraving explorer?
- Craving Explorer is a browser that makes it easy to download videos and audio. When you visit YouTube, niconico DOUGA, radiko, etc., a download button will appear on all your favorite sites! Just click on it, and it will start downloading immediately. You can download and save videos from the corresponding sites right on the spot.