A cosa serve il tombolo?

A cosa serve il tombolo?
Il tombolo è uno strumento di lavoro tradizionale usato per la realizzazione di pizzi e merletti. Si compone di tre parti: un sostegno, eventualmente arricchito di incisioni decorative, alla cui base è sistemato un cassetto nel quale vengono riposti fili, spilli, forbici.
Perché si chiama tombolo?
Due anni dopo, a lavori ultimati, il Tombolo Talasso Resort risulta un complesso unico in Italia per dimensioni, impiantistica di ultima generazione e raffinatezza, che trae il suo nome dai caratteristici tomboli, dune di sabbia ricoperte di vegetazione a macchia mediterranea, tipiche delle coste della bassa Toscana.
What is a tombolo in geography?
- A tombolo is a coastal formation that means, when translated from Italian, “mound”. It appears to be a small island that has not fully separated from the mainland. This island-like landform is actually attached to the coast by a thin sand bar or spit. Tombolos are sometimes referred to as “tied islands”,...
What is the difference between a tombolo and a spit?
- They each have distinctive features which can be identified on an OS map. A tombolo is formed when a spit connects the mainland coast to an island. A spit is a feature that is formed through deposition of material at coastlines. The process of longshore drift occurs and this moves material along the coastline.
What causes a tombolo to form?
- This causes material to be deposited in a long thin strip that is not attached to the coast and is known as a spit. If this feature moves in the direction of island and connects it to the mainland then it becomes a tombolo.
Is Chesil Beach a real tombolo?
- The island and the beach belong to the Jurassic Coast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which is protected due to its unique geological formation. Some scientists, however, have suggested that Chesil Beach is not actually a true tombolo.