Chi ha un tumore può andare al mare?

Chi ha un tumore può andare al mare?
«Non esistono divieti per mare, montagna, laghi o città da visitare. Si può anche andare in crociera o all'estero, se le forze lo consentono – precisa Cognetti, che è anche direttore dell'Oncologia Medica all'Istituto Nazionale Tumori Regina Elena di Roma –.
What is Spitzoid melanoma?
- Melanocytes are the cells responsible for making melanin, the pigment that determines the color of the skin. Spitzoid melanoma looks very much like an uncommon but benign skin mole called a Spitz nevus, both to the naked eye and under a microscope.
What does Spitzoid mean?
- Spitzoid melanoma presents as a changing and enlarging papule or nodule. It can be amelanotic (nonpigmented, red) or pigmented (brown, black or blue). Advanced Spitzoid melanoma may be crusted and ulcerated. It is most often located on the head or extremities. Spitzoid melanoma is often round in shape and uniform in colour.
Is histomorphology an unreliable predictor of Spitz lineage in melanomas?
- While the "spitzoid melanomas" comprising our cohort were enriched for bona fide Spitz melanomas, the majority of melanomas fell outside of the genetically defined category of Spitz melanomas, indicating that histomorphology is an unreliable predictor of Spitz lineage. Publication types Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
What is a Spitz tumor?
- Spitz tumors, the spectrum of melanocytic neoplasms extending from Spitz nevi to their malignant counterpart Spitz melanoma, are defined in the 2018 WHO classification of skin tumors by the presence of specific genetic alterations, such as kinase fusions or HRAS mutations.