Are the Lions Club and the Rotary Club Masonic organizations?

Are the Lions Club and the Rotary Club Masonic organizations?
- Gustave E. Loehr, a Mason, was a charter member of the Rotary Club (though it was founded by Paul P. Harris, who was not a Mason to my knowledge), and Melvin Jones, the founder of the Lions Club, was actually a Mason. But again - Lions and Rotary are not Masonic organizations.
Dove è nata la Massoneria?
Le origini della moderna Massoneria speculativa risalgono al 1717, quando le logge inglesi si riunirono a Londra per dar vita a un'istituzione comune, la Gran loggia, sorta per iniziativa di J. Desaguliers, un rifugiato ugonotto, di J. Anderson, un pastore della Chiesa scozzese, e di G. Payne, futuro gran maestro.
Is the Rotary International part of the Freemasons?
- No. Not in the least. Rotary International is an international service organization. It has no connection the Freemasons (there may be occasional individuals who are members of both, but that's coincidental).
What is the history of Rotary Clubs?
- - Rotary Clubs become very popular and their activities are strengthened when the Masonic movement weakens or becomes dormant. That is because the Masons transfer their activities to the clubs until the pressures end and then resume their former status. - The Rotary was founded in 1905 C.E. during the period when Freemasonry was active in America.
What is Rotary International?
- Rotary International is an international service organization. It has no connection the Freemasons (there may be occasional individuals who are members of both, but that's coincidental). Rotary accepts members of both genders, all races and religions, and there is no secrecy.