Perché la donna usa il vibratore?


Perché la donna usa il vibratore?

Perché la donna usa il vibratore?

Il vibratore può aiutare le donne che non riescono a raggiungere l'orgasmo con facilità a essere più rapide. È scientificamente dimostrato che l'orgasmo fa bene alla salute perché provoca il rilascio di ormoni (dopamina e ossitocina) che aiutano l'organismo a stare bene.

Why is Listeria so deadly dangerous?

  • If you develop a listeria infection, you might have: Why is Listeria so deadly dangerous? Listeria also produces toxins that damage cells. Listeria invades and grows best in the central nervous system among immune compromised persons, causing meningitis and/or Encephalitis. An inflammation of the brain usually caused due to infection. (brain infection).

What is Listeria and why is it dangerous?

  • Listeria monocytogenes (Listeria) is a foodborne disease-causing bacteria; the disease is called listeriosis. Listeria can invade the body through a normal and intact gastrointestinal tract. Once in the body, Listeria can travel through the blood stream but the bacteria are often found inside cells. Listeria also produces toxins that damage cells.

Can Listeria kill you?

  • Listeria is caused by Listeria monocytogenes, a gram positive bacterium found in soil, water and in animal digestive system including in humans. The infection is caused by eating contaminated food. Listeria is commonly seen in ready-to eat processed food items. Yes, Listeria can kill you, but not everyone who get the Listeria infection will die.

What are the long-term effects of Listeria?

  • A Listeria infection can lead to meningitis, an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain. If a newborn infant is infected with Listeria, long-term consequences may include mental retardation, seizures, paralysis, blindness, or deafness.

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