Cosa significa L4 L5?


Cosa significa L4 L5?

Cosa significa L4 L5?

La discopatia L4 L5 (o protrusione discale L4 L5), indica, come abbiamo visto anche per l'articolo dedicato alla discopatia L5 S1, un processo di degenerazione (di invecchiamento) a carico del disco intervertebrale interposto, questa volta, tra la quarta e la quinta vertebra lombare (da qui il nome disco L4 L5).

Quali sono le vertebre L4-L5?

I livelli vertebrali più frequentemente coinvolti in questo tipo di patologia sono il tratto L4-L5 (cioè il tratto compreso tra la quarta e la quinta vertebra lombare) e il tratto L3-L4 (tra la terza e la quarta vertebra lombare).

Come curare protrusione discale L4-L5?

Solitamente le protrusioni vengono curate con:

  1. Farmaci: antinfiammatori non steroidei, antidolorifici, miorilassanti e nei casi più gravi con corticosteroidi.
  2. Massoterapia: cicli di massaggi utili a combattere contratture e rigidità muscolare che provocano dolore.

What is an L5-S1 degenerative disc?

  • With an L5-S1 degenerative disc, these sensations are generally felt on the outside of the ankle, heel or foot. Compressed nerves may also stop sending signals from the brain to the muscles they control. With an L5-S1 degenerative disc, pressure on nerve roots can affect the muscles that bend the foot downward at the ankle.

What are the most common indications for L5 S1 fusion?

  • The most common indications for L5 S1 fusion include: Low back disc degeneration Slipped disc ( spondylolisthesis) Spinal Bone Fracture Recurrent Disc Herniation Pain radiating down leg (Sciatica ) Curvature (Scoliosis) Narrowing of the Canal (Stenosis) Failed Spine Surgery with Instability.

What are the signs and symptoms of L4-5 disc bulge?

  • Mild diffuse annular bulge of L4-5 disc with small annular tear mildly compressing ventral & ventrolateral aspects of thecal sac and exiting nerve roots at both sides. Mild posterior bulge of L5-S1 disc mildly indenting exiting nerve roots. No significant bulge or protrusion at other discs. Normal appearance of the facet joints.

What are the signs and symptoms of L5 retrolisthesis over S1 vertebrae?

  • Minimal retrolisthesis of L5 over S1 vertebrae. Mild diffuse annular bulge of L4-5 disc with small annular tear mildly compressing ventral & ventrolateral aspects of thecal sac and exiting nerve roots at both sides. Mild posterior bulge of L5-S1 disc mildly indenting exiting nerve roots.

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