What does exert mean mean?


What does exert mean mean?

What does exert mean mean?

1a : to put forth (strength, effort, etc.) the force is exerted sideways. b : to put (oneself) into action or to tiring effort won't have to exert himself moving the table.

Is exert a noun or verb?

EXERT (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What does exert mean in business?

exert verb [T] (MAKE AN EFFORT) to cause yourself to make an effort: She will have to exert herself a lot more if she wants to succeed in this business.

What is exert pressure?

1 verb If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way, especially in order to produce a particular effect.

WHAT IS A exert yourself?

Definition of exert one self : to make an effort to do something Don't exert yourself too much. She's always willing to exert herself to help other people.

What does it mean to physically exert?

Exert basically means to put forth effort to do something. For example, when you exert yourself in a workout, you can really feel the burn in your muscles.

What is the meaning of exerts in Marathi?

make a physical or mental effort. translation of 'exert' उपयोगात आणणे, कामी लावणे

Does air exert force or pressure?

Air not only has mass, but exerts pressure as well. The particles of air push in all directions and the force that is exerted is called air pressure.

What are the characteristics of exert?

What are the characteristics of exert? to put forth or into use, as power; exercise, as ability or influence; put into vigorous action: to exert every effort. to put (oneself) into strenuous, vigorous action or effort.

What does exert energy mean?

Exert is defined as to put forth or into use with great energy. An example of exert is to put lots of energy into exercising. verb.

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