Quanto vale un iPhone?


Quanto vale un iPhone?

Quanto vale un iPhone?

Il modello da 16GB si trova ad un prezzo che va dai 170€ ai 200€. La versione da 32 GB (solitamente più recente) va dai 1 euro. Il modello da 64GB varia dai 200€ ai 240€ , mentre quello da 128GB parte solitamente da 240€ e arriva anche a 270€.

Quanto vale un iPhone 8?

Apple iPhone 8 a partire da 246,99 €

What is the difference between the iPhone 5 and iPhone 5S?

  • This update to the iPhone 5 comes equipped with a faster Apple A7 processor, an improved 8-megapixel camera, while also adding a Touch ID fingerprint sensor into the home button. Other features of the iPhone 5s include a 4-inch Retina display, AirPlay media streaming, Siri voice assistant, front facing camera, and 4G LTE high-speed data.

How much is a used iPhone 5S worth?

  • Apple iPhone 5s - Price New and Used. New Price*. $122-$217. from $122 to $217. Used Price*. $53-$77. from $53 to $77. *The average sold price is calculated based on "Buy It Now" items sold within the 90 day period described above (excluding shipping and handling). Each interval represents a 15 day period.

How much storage does the iPhone 5S have?

  • This model comes with 16GB of internal storage and supports WiFi connectivity, so you can browse the Web, stream videos, shop online, and chat with friends from wherever you are. The iPhone 5s offers a slim and stylish design that is both lightweight and easy to carry, and is also equipped for international use.

What type of battery does the iPhone 5S take?

  • The iPhone 5s offers a slim and stylish design that is both lightweight and easy to carry, and is also equipped for international use. 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required.

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