Come prenotare un parcheggio a Malpensa?

Come prenotare un parcheggio a Malpensa?
Compra il parcheggio in aeroporto e acquistalo con contanti, carta di credito, tramite telepass o persino direttamente in aeroporto con un semplice click al miglior prezzo disponibile, con un'esperienza di acquisto semplificata dove non perdere mai tempo prezioso.
Quanto costa il parcheggio giornaliero a Malpensa?
3,60 euro – A Malpensa T1 la sosta breve costa 3,00 euro la prima ora, poi 2,00 euro ogni mezzora successiva fino alla quinta ora, dopodiché viene applicata la tariffa di sosta giornaliera. – A Malpensa T2 la tariffa è di 3,60 euro per soste di massimo 1 ora.
Where can I Park at Malpensa Airport?
- ParkinGO Malpensa car parking is only 4 minutes from the departure gates of Terminal 1 and is reachable by a 24/7 shuttle bus service included in the price! Malpensa Terminal 2 Parking. Located in the northern area of the airport, Malpensa Airport Terminal 2 is mainly used for low-cost flights.
How do I get to Malpensa Terminal 2?
- Malpensa terminal 2 can also be reached by a free shuttle service from terminal 1 which takes 15 minutes. From park and ride, to valet services, disabled parking and much more, we work with approved can park operators to offer you more than a simple space, whether you’re looking for long term parking at Malpensa or short term parking at Malpensa.
How do I pick up my car at Milan airport?
- -Car-valet service for the pick-up and delivery of your vehicle directly at the Airport terminal (cost €15-€30). Our staff will pick-up your car directly in front of the terminal and drive it to our Milan Malpensa parking which is under constant surveillance.
How do I pay for parking at the airport?
- You can pay your parking with cash, credit card, telepass, or even directly at the airport with a simple click at the best available price, with a simplified shopping experience where you never waste precious time. You can also buy your parking online and take advantage of exclusive promotions and discounts.