Perché non si dorme in menopausa?
Perché non si dorme in menopausa?
Perché si soffre di insonnia in menopausa. I principali responsabili dell'insonnia, in questo caso, sono gli squilibri ormonali legati alla menopausa: la carenza di estrogeni altera i bioritmi (compreso il ritmo sonno-veglia abituale) e può rendere anche più nervose, cosa che non aiuta di certo a prendere sonno.
Could melatonin help with menopause symptoms?
- Melatonin may be key to addressing symptoms of menopause, new study suggests. Light turns off the production of melatonin in the body, while darkness causes more melatonin to be produced, which signals the body that it’s time to sleep. Importantly, melatonin secretion affects the entire body, circulating through to all cells,...
Do melatonin levels decrease with age?
- Melatonin and menopause: levels decrease with age… “Melatonin levels decrease (especially at nighttime) with age, particularly during the peri-menopausal period,” say the new study’s authors, an international group of researchers from the United States, Canada, India, Germany and Israel.
Could a lack of melatonin be bad for your health?
- To that end, the researchers point to a number of health effects that are a risk to postmenopausal women which studies indicate could be connected to a lack of melatonin, including serious conditions such as depression, fibromyalgia, breast cancer and endometrial cancer.
How long do the effects of menopause last?
- And while for a majority of women, these problems dissipate once the menopausal transition is over (which can take years — evidence suggests that women experience symptoms for an average of seven years after the onset of perimenopause), for some, the disturbances of menopause can contribute to more long-term health concerns.