Come passare da O-Key sms AO Key Smart?

Come passare da O-Key sms AO Key Smart?
Ho aderito al servizio O-Key SMS: come posso passare a O-Key Smart?
- Entra nell'app, inserisci il tuo Codice Titolare e scegli di attivare il servizio O-Key Smart.
- Inserisci il tuo Codice PIN.
- Inserisci il codice O-Key che ti sarà inviato via SMS.
What is O-Key and how does it work?
- The O-Key credentials - Banner ID, O-Key username, email address, and password - are joined in the O-Key account to provide secure single sign-on access to IT and other services. Administratively, O-Key is used to manage access to services based upon the roles of each individual associated with OSU.
What is ididms O-Key?
- IDMS (O-Key) is the identity account of each individual who has a formal affiliation with Oklahoma State University. The O-Key credentials - Banner ID, O-Key username, email address, and password - are joined in the O-Key account to provide secure single sign-on access to IT and other services.
How do I Activate my O-Key Account?
- Getting Started Open a web browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari,... Click the link in the section underneath the LOGIN button labeled Activate Your O-Key Account to open the activation... Follow the prompts for information. If ...