Che differenza c'è tra anemia e talassemia?
Che differenza c'è tra anemia e talassemia?
Che cos'è l'anemia mediterranea o talassemia L'anemia mediterranea è sinonimo di talassemia, una malattia ereditaria del sangue dovuta alla sintesi ridotta o assente di una delle catene dell'emoglobina, proteina responsabile del trasporto di ossigeno attraverso tutto l'organismo.
What does Mediterranean anemia mean?
- Mediterranean Anemia Definition. Mediterranean anemia is a type of an inherited blood disorder that is characterized by reduced levels of hemoglobin and few red blood cells in the body. Genetic defects are largely the cause of this disease. Mild conditions do not usually require any form of treatment.
Do you need a blood transfusion for Mediterranean anemia?
- However, regular blood transfusion may be necessary for severe conditions. Signs and symptoms associated with Mediterranean anemia include shortness of breath, bone deformities usually occurring in the face, dark urine, protruding abdomen, weakness, fatigue, and slow growth.
What are the treatment options for iron deficiency anemia?
- However, a number of treatments are available depending on the form and severity of the disorder including: blood transfusions, supplements (iron and folic acid) and iron chelation therapy (Deferoxamine, Deferasirox). In some instances, persons may be treated by a transplant of the blood and bone marrow stem cells.
Can gene therapy help in the treatment of anemia?
- The anemia surfaces in the first few months after birth and becomes progressively more severe leading to pallor and easy fatiguability, failure to thrive (grow), bouts of fever (due to infections) and diarrhea . Treatment based on blood transfusions is helpful but not curative. Gene therapy will, it is hoped, be applicable to this disease.