Come si esegue una angioplastica?

Come si esegue una angioplastica?
L'intervento di angioplastica coronarica consiste nell'inserimento nell'arteria radiale del polso (in passato veniva eseguito partendo dall'arteria femorale, all'inguine), di una cannula di gomma (catetere), che viene fatta scorrere fino ad arrivare nel punto in cui origina la coronaria.
What is balloon angioplasty for coarctation of the aorta?
- WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Balloon angioplasty for coarctation of the aorta is a procedure to open the narrow aorta. This will improve blood flow to your child's body and help his heart work less hard. This procedure uses a catheter with a tiny balloon on the end to widen the narrow area.
What is angioplasty and how does it work?
- Angioplasty is a standard, minimally invasive procedure that doctors use to unblock clogged arteries and improve blood flow in the heart. Doctors frequently recommend angioplasty to treat acute heart problems.
What happens if you have a stroke during angioplasty?
- Stroke. During angioplasty, a stroke can occur if plaques break loose when the catheters are being threaded through the aorta. Blood clots also can form in catheters and travel to the brain if they break loose. A stroke is an extremely rare complication of coronary angioplasty, and blood thinners are used during the procedure to reduce the risk.
What is the difference between PCI and angioplasty?
- In the term angioplasty, “angio” means blood vessel, and “plasty” is opening up. In PCI, the “P” stands for percutaneous or “through the skin” while coronary refers to the location of blood vessels around the heart. Angioplasty is a conventional treatment for coronary heart disease (CHD) and heart attacks (acute coronary syndrome).