Come vede uno con maculopatia?

Come vede uno con maculopatia?
La Maculopatia è caratterizzata dalla progressiva perdita della visione centrale, spesso bilaterale, che limita fortemente la funzione visiva. La maculopatia degenerativa non porta mai a cecità completa in quanto la visione laterale è solitamente conservata fino agli stadi terminali della malattia.
Why choose the Retina Macula Institute?
- The Retina Macula Institute is dedicated to providing the best possible care to patients with retinal disorders. Each doctor in our group has completed formally subspecialty training in medical and surgical diseases of the retina, vitreous and macula.
What does Tthe macula mean?
- The macula lutea, also called fovea, contains a very high concentration of cones. These are the light-sensitive cells in the retina that give detailed central vision.
What is the function of the macula lutea?
- Macula lutea When an eye is looking directly at an object, light rays from that object are focused on the macula lutea. This is a yellow oval spot at the center of the retina (back of the eye). It is the part of the retina that is responsible for sharp, detailed central vision (also called visual acuity).
How does diabetic retinopathy affect the macula?
- The leakage of fluid into the retina may lead to swelling of the surrounding tissue, including the macula. DME is the most common cause of vision loss in people with diabetic retinopathy. Poor blood sugar control and additional medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, increase the risk of blindness for people with DME.