What does backfire mean slang?
- What does backfire mean slang?
- How can you use backfire in a sentence?
- What does it mean to set a backfire?
- How do you backfire?
- Is a backfire bad?
- Is backfire informal?
- Is backfire bad?
- Why do firefighters make fires?
- Can you really fight fire with fire?
- What does a backfire sound like?
- What does the name Backfire mean?
- What exactly causes a backfire?
- What is the definition of backfire?
- What is a synonym for backfire?

What does backfire mean slang?
Backfire is defined as something happens in the opposite way than you wanted it to happen. An example of backfire is when you buy your wife roses to make her happy and she gets mad because you forgot that she hates roses. ... Backfire means the premature ignition of fuel in a car.
How can you use backfire in a sentence?
(1) The President's tactics could backfire. (2) Even our most carefully laid plans may backfire. (3) A risk without a clear purpose can backfire. (4) However, this kind of greenback fidelity can backfire once in a while.
What does it mean to set a backfire?
Backfiring is a tactic where firefighters intentionally set a fire along a fireline's inner edge, in order to consume the fuel in the path of a wildfire or to change the direction it is traveling. Like we talked about above with the fire triangle, this method is attacking the fuel side of the fire triangle.
How do you backfire?
A backfire is caused by a combustion or explosion that occurs when unburnt fuel in the exhaust system is ignited, even if there is no flame in the exhaust pipe itself. Sometimes a flame can be seen when a car backfires, but mostly you will only hear a loud popping noise, followed by loss of power and forward motion.
Is a backfire bad?
Backfires and afterfires are worth paying attention to since they can cause engine damage, power loss, and decreased fuel efficiency. There's a variety of factors that can cause your car to backfire, but the most common ones are having a poor air to fuel ratio, a misfiring spark plug, or good old-fashioned bad timing.
Is backfire informal?
1. fail, founder, flop (informal), rebound, fall through, fall flat, boomerang, miscarry, misfire, go belly-up (slang), turn out badly, meet with disaster The President's tactics could backfire. 2.
Is backfire bad?
Backfires and afterfires are worth paying attention to since they can cause engine damage, power loss, and decreased fuel efficiency. There's a variety of factors that can cause your car to backfire, but the most common ones are having a poor air to fuel ratio, a misfiring spark plug, or good old-fashioned bad timing.
Why do firefighters make fires?
This motivation could be due to a need for excitement or thrill, but also in some rare cases sexual gratification. The firefighter would set the fire, allow it to be reported from an outside source before arriving on the scene, and acting as a hero. This can also be classified as hero syndrome.
Can you really fight fire with fire?
Fire can be used to fight forest fires, albeit with a certain amount of risk. A controlled burn of a strip of forest will create a barrier to an oncoming forest fire as it will use up all the available fuel.
What does a backfire sound like?
Backfiring can sound like a throaty gurgle or a mild popping. ... A car can backfire when fuel vapors ignite in the exhaust system or intake manifold instead of inside the combustion chamber.
What does the name Backfire mean?
- backfire (n.) 1832, American English, originally "a fire deliberately lit ahead of an advancing wildfire to deprive it of fuel," from back (adj.) + fire (n.). As a verb in this sense, recorded from 1886. The noun meaning "premature ignition in an internal-combustion engine" is first recorded 1897.
What exactly causes a backfire?
- Generally, a backfire is caused by an imbalance in the air to fuel ratio. Either the engine is not getting enough fuel, which is also called running lean, or the engine is getting too much fuel, which is also called running rich. Also asked, what causes an engine to backfire through the carburetor?
What is the definition of backfire?
- The definition of backfire is a sound made by an engine because the fuel in it is not burning correctly.
What is a synonym for backfire?
- Synonyms for Backfires: n. defenses (noun) arguments, aversions, moats, strongholds, rebuttals, harbors, walls, Securities, Fortresses, protections, countermeasures, defenses, responses, barriers, armors. recoils (noun) backlashes, bounces, rebounds, rebuffs, recoils, boomerangs, ricochets, Kickbacks, repercussions.