Come funziona Byblos?
Come funziona Byblos?
Come funziona Byblos è un Fondo ad adesione libera e volontaria: solo se e quando manifesti la volontà di aderire, ne diventi socio. È un Fondo a capitalizzazione individuale: se e quando aderisci, viene aperta una tua posizione individuale in cui confluiscono tutti i contributi versati.
Come si sposta il TFR?
Il conferimento del TFR pregresso è possibile solo attraverso un accordo tra il lavoratore e il datore di lavoro che acconsente al versamento delle quote al fondo pensione.
What does Byblos stand for?
- Byblos was the ancient Phoenician port city of Gebal (called Byblos by the Greeks) on the coast of the Mediterranean sea in what is, today, Lebanon.
What makes Byblos special?
- Fresh cuts, herbs, and spices passionately designed to appease everyone. Our staff is here to make sure that you have a stellar experience from exquisite cocktails and coffee to shared plates, inspired entrees, and desserts. Since 2001, byblos has shared long held Lebanese and Mediterranean traditions.
What happened to the city of Byblos?
- Between 11 BCE Byblos declined in importance as its sister city, Tyre, grew. After the conquest of the region by Alexander the Great, and the destruction of Tyre in 332 BCE, Byblos again prospered and became completely Hellenized, adopting Greek culture, dress, and language.
What was Byblos famous for in ancient Greece?
- During the Hellenistic period (330-64 BCE) Byblos became most famous for the production of papyrus which would give it its Greek name. In 64 BCE the region was conquered by the Roman general Pompey the Great and continued as a Roman colony from 64 BCE to 395 CE.