Quali sono le malattie dei testicoli?


Quali sono le malattie dei testicoli?

Quali sono le malattie dei testicoli?

Le patologie che possono risultare associate al senso di fastidio al testicolo sono le seguenti: Epididimite. Idrocele. Orchite.

Cosa succede se si ha un tumore al testicolo?

Un tumore testicolare, in genere, si manifesta con un rigonfiamento a livello di uno o di entrambi i testicoli. Tale rigonfiamento, che alla palpazione risulta indolore, è una vera e propria protuberanza, dalle dimensioni di un pisello o anche più grande.

What is the difference between classic and Spermatocytic seminoma?

  • Classic seminoma is by far the most common sub-type and usually occurs in men between the ages of 25 and 45 years. Spermatocytic seminoma comprises only around 5% of all seminomas and tends to develop in older men (around 50 years). Spermatocytic seminomas grow more slowly and are less likely to spread than classic seminoma. 2 

What is the difference between a seminoma and a non-sminoma?

  • If germ cells remain immature within the testicle, they can eventually grow uncontrollably to form a seminoma or another type of testicular cancer called a non-seminoma. While seminomas and non-seminomas both occur at about the same rate, seminomas grow and spread more slowly than non-seminomas. 2 

What are the treatment options for a seminoma?

  • These findings will help guide a patient's treatment plan. 9  The treatment for a seminoma involves surgery and sometimes radiation or chemotherapy. 4  Surgical removal of the testicle is the primary treatment of a seminoma. For those with stage I seminomas, surgery is usually curative.

What causes a seminoma to grow uncontrollably?

  • A seminoma arises from germ cells that grow uncontrollably. Germ cells are the cells that form an embryo in a mother's womb. Later on in development, germ cells are supposed to mature into sperm-producing cells within the male testicles.

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