Perché i Medici erano stati cacciati da Firenze?
- Perché i Medici erano stati cacciati da Firenze?
- Che cosa accadde a Firenze dopo la caduta dei Medici nel 1494?
- What is the meaning of Cosimo de Medici?
- How did Cosimo de Medici influence the government of Florence?
- What was Cosimo de Medici's largest building project?
- How did Cosimo de Cossa repay the Medici family?

Perché i Medici erano stati cacciati da Firenze?
Accusato di viltà e debolezza, venne cacciato dalla città con una sentenza datata 9 novembre 1494. La città allora divenne uno stato "teocratico" governato da Savonarola.
Che cosa accadde a Firenze dopo la caduta dei Medici nel 1494?
La repubblica instaurata a Firenze nel 1494 dopo l'abbattimento della signoria dei Medici fu animata e ispirata da Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498), un frate domenicano. Alla morte di Lorenzo il Magnifico nel 1492 la città fu travolta dalle prediche di Savonarola.
What is the meaning of Cosimo de Medici?
- Cosimo de’ Medici, byname Cosimo the Elder, Italian Cosimo il Vecchio, Latin byname Pater Patriae (Father of his Country), (born Sept. 27, 1389, Florence—died Aug. 1, 1464, Careggi, near Florence), founder of one of the main lines of the Medici family that ruled Florence from 14. What is Cosimo de’ Medici known for?
How did Cosimo de Medici influence the government of Florence?
- Cosimo returned a year later, in 1434, to influence the government of Florence (especially through the Pitti and Soderini families) for the last 30 years of his life of 75 years. Cosimo's time in exile instilled in him the need to quash the factionalism that resulted in his exile in the first place.
What was Cosimo de Medici's largest building project?
- Cosimo’s largest building project of the 1440s, however, was the new Palazzo Medici in the Via Larga, Florence. Tradition relates that the first plans were by Brunelleschi, but Cosimo rejected these as too monumental and presumptuous.
How did Cosimo de Cossa repay the Medici family?
- Cossa went on to become the antipope John XXIII, and he repaid the Medici family by putting the Medici Bank in charge of all papal finances. Cosimo inherited this influence and wealth from his family, which gave him a head start when he took the reins.