Dove si trova il teatro di Shakespeare?

Dove si trova il teatro di Shakespeare?
Il Globe Theatre fu il teatro di Londra dove recitò la compagnia di William Shakespeare. La sua ricostruzione è tuttora visitabile nel luogo originario, nei pressi del Blackfriars Bridge sulle rive del Tamigi.
What is the Globe Theatre?
- The Globe theatre is a roofless wooden 'O' shape - plays are available to see during the warm months of the year (see below for more details on what constitutes the theatre season). One of the entertaining aspects of the Globe Theatre is that, like in its heyday, people from all walks of life are welcome.
How to get tickets for the Globe Theatre 2022?
- It is a modern reconstruction, with the ambience and essence of the original 1599 building. Secure your Globe Theatre tickets 2022 for this Shakespeare theater London now online or call our box office on UK 02
Who built the Globe Theatre in 1597?
- The first Globe was built by the company Shakespeare was in – the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. Richard Burbage was the company’s leading actor. They had played at the Theatre, built by the Burbage family on land leased from a Mr Allen. In 1597, Allen refused to renew the lease.
Where can I buy tickets to Shakespeare's Globe Theatre?
- If you are strapped for cash, you can buy affordable tickets in the pit of the theatre where it is standing place - where the 'unwashed' would watch the plays during Shakespeare's time (see below for more details)! Please note - this page deals with tickets for plays at the Globe theatre.