Dove si svolge il film di Billy Elliot?

Dove si svolge il film di Billy Elliot?
contea di Durham È il 1984, Billy Elliot (Jamie Bell), un undicenne che vive nella contea di Durham, in Inghilterra, ama ballare e spera di diventare un ballerino professionista.
Come finisce il film di Billy Elliot?
Nonostante le proteste, Billy deve arrendersi e spiegare alla sua insegnante di non poter più continuare le lezioni. Mrs Wilkinson però non demorde e rivela all'allievo il suo progetto, quello di prepararlo ad entrare alla Royal Ballet School di Londra, le cui audizioni si terranno entro due settimane a Newcastle.
What happened to Billy Elliot in 1984?
- Billy Elliot Summary. 1984 is a tough year for the Elliot family. Living in gritty and run-down Everington, in County Durham in the north of England, Jackie Elliot is still grieving for his wife who passed away a year before. He has money woes—a coal miner, Jackie is out on strike with his co-workers to protest union troubles.
What is the plot of Billy Elliot?
- Kryssa Schemmerling Muze Description - Billy Elliot (Jamie Bell) is an 11-year-old boy living in northeast England in the mid-1980s. While his gruff father and brother are taking part in a massive coal miners strike, Billy goes to boxing lessons and furtively plays his dead mother's piano out of loneliness. One day Billy notices a ballet class ...
How old is Billy Elliot in the Great Gatsby?
- The film is set during the 19841985 UK miners' strike, and centres on the character of 11-year-old Billy Elliot (Jamie Bell), his love of dance and his hope to become a professional ballet dancer.
How old is Billy Elliot in Muze?
- Kryssa Schemmerling Muze Description - Billy Elliot (Jamie Bell) is an 11-year-old boy living in northeast England in the mid-1980s. While his gruff father and brother are taking part in a massive coal miners strike, Billy goes to boxing lessons and furtively plays his dead mother's piano out of loneliness.