Che cosa si intende per deus ex machina?

Che cosa si intende per deus ex machina?
L'espressione latina corretta (e così tramandatasi a noi) è deus ex machina. Propriamente significa 'divinità che scende da una macchina', quest'ultima intesa come 'marchingegno'.
Che vuol dire Deus?
Deus è latino per "dio" o "divinità".
What is Deus Ex Machina and what does it mean?
- The New Latin term deus ex machina is a translation of a Greek phrase and means literally "a god from a machine.".
What are some Deus Ex Machina examples?
- - Medea - As You Like It - Lord of the Flies - Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - My Sister's Keeper
What is ending of Deus Ex?
- Deus Ex Helios Ending Summary : Merge with Helios , creating a hopefully benevolent cybernetic dictatorship. Requirements: Deactivate the uplink locks, engage the primary router and proceed to merge with Helios.
Is Ex Machina a good movie?
- Ex Machina isn't a good movie. It's a great movie! One of the best science-fiction(esque) films I've seen in years, with brilliant performances (by Oscar Isaac in particular) and intriguing themes being told through almost flawless storytelling.