Come si fa a rintracciare una raccomandata internazionale?

Come si fa a rintracciare una raccomandata internazionale?
Il servizio di monitoraggio online è disponibile tramite il sito di poste italiane, nella sezione “dove quando”, sotto la voce “Raccomandata Internazionale”. In questa sezione, grazie all'inserimento del codice e della data di spedizione, è possibile verificare tutti i movimenti del vostro pacco.
How to track my Poste Italiane package?
- Poste Italiane Tracking. For tracking Poste Italiane, enter the tracking number and click Tracking... button. provide real-time details of your Poste Italiane package.
What is parcel monitor for Poste Italiane?
- Simple & Easy! With Parcel Monitor for Poste Italiane, you can track all your packages and get real-time updates with just your tracking number! Poste Italiane is a prominent mail service. What customers are thinking? My package has been in the same location for over 12 days.
What is Poste Italiane?
- About Poste Italiane. Postel brand was founded in 1987 by the collaboration between the Italian Postal Service and Elsag: the first service launched in the market was the Hybrid Electronic Mail, highly innovative solution designed for the outsourcing of mandatory mail through electronic platform.
How can I track my international parcel from Italy?
- If you check statuses of bulk international parcels shipping via Poste Italiane, TrackingMore will display all tracking details in one place, from both origin country and destination country.