Quanto vale il numero 1 originale di Dylan Dog?


Quanto vale il numero 1 originale di Dylan Dog?

Quanto vale il numero 1 originale di Dylan Dog?

In linea di massima, i prezzi dei fumetti Dylan Dog si aggirano mediamente sui 2 euro per il numero 1. Un albo in buono stato de L'Alba dei morti viventi (prima edizione) raggiunge mediamente i 250 euro; scopri come vendere e comprare con la nostra guida.

Quanto costa un Dylan Dog in edicola?

3,90 euro Gli albi mensili da 96 pagine avranno un rincaro di 40 centesimi e passeranno da 3,50 a 3,90. Tra questi: Dylan Dog, Zagor, Dragonero, Nathan Never e Dampyr. Tex passerà da 3,50 a 3,90 euro. Tex Classic passerà da 2,90 a 3,20 euro.

Quanto vale il primo numero di Martin Mystere?

I GRANDI ENIGMI Di Martin Mystere - N. 1 - Gli Uomini In Nero Fumetto Originale - EUR 70,00 | PicClick IT.

Who is the creator of the Dylan Dog comic series?

  • Dylan Dog series debuted in October 1986 with a comic book entitled "L'alba dei morti viventi" ("Dawn of the Living Dead"), plotted and scripted by Tiziano Sclavi and illustrated by Angelo Stano; it proved to be a huge publishing success in the years to come.

What is the color of the book drivedylan dog?

  • Dylan Dog (like all Sergio Bonelli comic books) is printed in black and white. However, there are some issues that came out full colored to celebrate certain anniversaries. These include numbers that are multiple of 100, decade anniversaries of the series and other rare occasions.

Why is it called the Dylan Dog Gigante?

  • January 1993 saw the appearance of a new annual book, the Dylan Dog Gigante ("Giant-Size Dylan Dog"), so called because it was much larger than the monthly book and because it contained more stories. Dylan Dog maxi came out in July 1998.

What is the setting of the book Dylan Dog?

  • The series is mainly set in London, where the protagonist lives, though he occasionally travels elsewhere. Dark Horse Comics has published the English version of Dylan Dog in the United States; as of 2017, a new English edition was published by Epicenter Comics. The series is also published in Croatia by Ludens,...

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