What is allude example?


What is allude example?

What is allude example?

The definition of allude is to drop a hint about something, but not go into details or specifics. An example of allude is when a person mentions he needs to make a doctor appointment, but don't say why he needs to.

What does allude mean definition?

Definition of allude to : to speak of or mention (something or someone) in an indirect way I'm interested in hearing more about the technology you alluded to a minute ago.

How do you use the word allude in a sentence?

Examples of 'allude' in a sentence allude

  1. He has often alluded to it but not told the full story. ...
  2. He alluded to something else too.
  3. Sure, he had compiled a record alluding to something more than competence. ...
  4. He also alluded to'considerable downward pressure '.
  5. But he also alludes darkly to'other reasons '.

What is the synonym of alluded?

In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for allude, like: imply, indicate, intimate, hint, refer, infer, insinuate, mention, point, relate and suggest.

How do you Allude something?

Allude to something by saying all but what you actually want to say. Elude evades and gets away, like a name that's on the tip of your tongue.

What is the allusion commonly used for Cinderella?

The mention of “slaving like Cinderella” is a reference to a popular Disney story, self titled Cinderella, in which a young girl was forced to cook, clean and care for her (evil) step- mother and step-sisters.

How do you allude something?

Allude to something by saying all but what you actually want to say. Elude evades and gets away, like a name that's on the tip of your tongue.

Is it allude or elude?

To allude is to refer to something in an indirect manner. Elude usually escape from or avoid danger.

Is allude a negative word?

Allude is a word with playful roots—literally. ... So while allude may more commonly be used in the sense of expressing something indirectly, it is neither uncommon nor improper to use it to mean something more direct.

Is allude always followed by to?

Allude is typically, although not always, followed by the preposition to.

What does the name allude mean?

  • The definition of allude is to drop a hint about something, but not go into details or specifics. An example of allude is when a person mentions he needs to make a doctor appointment, but don't say why he needs to.

What does allude mean definition?

  • Allude is a word with playful roots—literally. It comes from the Latin alludere, which means "to play with," and shares the root of Latin ludere ("to play") with other English words, such as ludicrous and delude. One of the former meanings of allude was "to engage in wordplay": this sense is now long obsolete.

What does allude mean?

  • Allude(verb) to refer to something indirectly or by suggestion; to have reference to a subject not specifically and plainly mentioned; -- followed by to; as, the story alludes to a recent transaction Allude(verb)

What does alluded to mean?

  • To allude means to refer to indirectly. The verbs to allude and to mention are close in meaning, but to allude is less direct. It can be translated as to hint at or to offer an indication about.

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