Dove fare il Pap test a Parma?


Dove fare il Pap test a Parma?

Dove fare il Pap test a Parma?

Centro Screening

  • Indirizzo. largo Natale Palli, 1/A; Parcheggio a pagamento nella zona circostante. Autobus n. 7-11-13-21.
  • Comune. Parma - 43121 (PR)
  • Telefono. 0521 396.692 segreteria.
  • Email. [email protected].

Che tempo ci vuole per i risultati del Pap test?

Il tempo di risposta è in genere di 3 settimane dal momento dell'esame. Questo tempo serve al personale qualificato per formulare una risposta completa ed effettuare i necessari controlli di qualità.

Dove fare il pap test a Brescia?

Perché fare il pap-test

  • Email. [email protected].
  • Telefono. 030 24.11.111.
  • WhatsApp. 342 1593082.
  • Fax. 030 37.35.840.

Quanto si paga per fare il pap test?

Il test può essere eseguito anche in forma privata e il costo è di 25€ per il Pap-test con metodica convenzionale e 30€ per il test in fase liquida.

What do you need to know about a Pap smear test?

  • Pap smear 1 Overview. A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women. 2 Why it's done. A Pap smear is used to screen for cervical cancer. 3 Risks. A Pap smear is a safe way to screen for cervical cancer. 4 How you prepare. Avoid intercourse, douching, or using any vaginal medicines or spermicidal foams,...

How successful is the Pap test for cancer?

  • The samples are then looked at in the lab. Although the Pap test has been more successful than any other screening test in preventing a cancer, it’s not perfect.

Is it possible to get a false negative Pap smear?

  • A Pap smear is a safe way to screen for cervical cancer. However, a Pap smear isn't foolproof. It's possible to receive false-negative results — meaning that the test indicates no abnormality, even though you do have abnormal cells. A false-negative result doesn't mean that a mistake was made.

What should I do if my Pap smear results show LSIL?

  • With a Pap smear showing LSIL, the first step is to look at the HPV test (and to order one if not previously done). If the HPV test is negative, a repeat HPV test and Pap smear may be done in one year. If your HPV test is positive, especially for HPV 16 or 18, a colposcopy (with or without biopsies) may be recommended. 5 

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