Come funziona Sweat?


Come funziona Sweat?

Come funziona Sweat?

Resistenza e Cardio hanno 3 sessioni, recovery (due sessioni). Tutte le sessioni di resistenza durano 28 minuti, cardio 15-45 minuti e recovery una ventina di minuti. Dopo ogni allenamento c'è anche una parte con esercizi di stretching guidati. Per ogni esercizio circa 20 secondi.

What is the high intensity with Kayla program?

  • The program starts with Beginner weeks to help you become familiar with a High Intensity with Kayla workout and to increase your fitness. As the weeks progress, the program allows you to continue adapting — so you can avoid a fitness plateau.... Read More My eBook is more than a High Intensity with Kayla PDF.

Who is Kayla Itsines?

  • Currency rates shown are for reference only. I’m Kayla Itsines, co-founder of Sweat and co-creator of High Impact with Kayla (formerly Bikini Body Guides, or BBG). I’ve been a personal trainer since 2008 and in that time I’ve educated and encouraged millions of women to improve their health and fitness.

Why did Kayla from TikTok create the Bikini Body Challenge?

  • But on her website, Kayla said she recognizes that every body is a bikini body and built this program so that her followers can “develop the inner confidence that comes with showing up for yourself.” So…¯\\_ (ツ)_/¯. This content is imported from {embed-name}.

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