Che casata e Ron Weasley?
- Che casata e Ron Weasley?
- Come si chiama il tipo di Ron?
- Che lavoro fa Ron Weasley da adulto?
- Where did Ron Weasley live in Harry Potter?
- What did Ron Weasley do after he became an Auror?
- How many brothers and sisters did Ron Weasley have?
- How did the Weasleys make up for the relationship between Ron and Fred?

Che casata e Ron Weasley?
Egli è un membro della famiglia Weasley, una famiglia di purosangue, che risiede ne “La Tana” al di fuori di Ottery St. Catchpole. Insieme con Harry e Hermione, è un membro della casa di Grifondoro. Ron è presente nella maggior parte di tutta la serie.
Come si chiama il tipo di Ron?
Dopo l'evasione di Sirius Black da Azkaban, Ron scopre che il suo topo domestico, Crosta, in realtà è Peter Minus, mangiamorte ex amico di Sirius, Remus Lupin e James Potter che ha tradito i genitori di Harry consegnandoli a Voldemort.
Che lavoro fa Ron Weasley da adulto?
Ronald Weasley lavora ai Tiri Vispi Weasley Ronald (o Ron, se preferite) come già detto ha sposato Harmione e avuto due figli. Seguendo quanto fatto da Harry è diventato un auror ma, non molto tempo dopo, ha abbandonato la carriera per gestire insieme al fratello George il negozio Tiri Vispi Weasley.
Where did Ron Weasley live in Harry Potter?
- Ronald Bilius "Ron" Weasley (b. 1 March, 1980) was an English pure-blood wizard, the sixth and youngest son of Arthur and Molly Weasley (née Prewett). He was also the younger brother of Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and the elder brother of Ginny. Ron and his siblings lived at the The Burrow, on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole, Devon.
What did Ron Weasley do after he became an Auror?
- After two years as an Auror, he went to work at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes with his brother George. He and Hermione eventually married and had two children, Rose and Hugo Granger-Weasley. Ron was also named the godfather of James Sirius Potter, his sister Ginny Weasley's and Harry Potter's eldest child.
How many brothers and sisters did Ron Weasley have?
- Ron and his five older brothers — Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George — as well as his younger sister, Ginny, grew up in The Burrow on the outskirts of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon, England. Like all his siblings, he was home educated in reading, writing and simple mathematics by his mother.
How did the Weasleys make up for the relationship between Ron and Fred?
- They tried their best to make up for this with their love. The Weasley siblings, especially Fred and George, were fond of teasing and playing pranks on each other, and Ron was a particular target for Fred and George. They once transfigured Ron's teddy bear into a giant spider, sparking his arachnophobia.