Come sono morti i tre pastorelli di Fátima?


Come sono morti i tre pastorelli di Fátima?

Come sono morti i tre pastorelli di Fátima?

I due fratelli Marto morirono durante la violenta epidemia di spagnola che nel 1918 colpì il Portogallo. Francisco, di indole riservata e fin da fanciullo incline alla contemplazione e alla preghiera per "consolare Gesù", come era solito dire, morì a 10 anni, dopo aver ricevuto la sua prima e ultima Comunione.

In che giorno si festeggia la Madonna di Lourdes?

L'11 febbraio la Chiesa festeggia la Beata Vergine Maria di Lourdes.

Is there a book on the Fatima Miracle?

  • That “separate book” on Fatima has now been published. It is entitled An Astronomical Explanation of the Fatima Miracle and is available for immediate shipping from Amazon. An electronic version for Kindle will be released on , and is available now for pre-order:

What is the story behind Our Lady of Fatima?

  • Our Lady of Fatima Miracle The story begins in the village of Fatima, Portugal, on . On that fateful day near that tiny village, The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, appeared to three young peasant children: Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia; ages 10, 9 and 7.

Is the Third Secret of Fatima true?

  • In 1925, Lucia claimed to have seen her again in Spain, and she later became a nun. In 1930, the Catholic Church recognized the events at Fatima as a miracle. Although the Third Secret of Fatima was allowed to be revealed to the public in 1960, it was withheld.

Did the Catholic Church ever recognize the Fatima apparitions?

  • Catholic Church recognition. Pope Pius XII approved the "Fatima apparitions" in 1940. Four times during the week that he declared the dogma of the Assumption of Mary (33 years after the actual event said to have occurred in Fatima), Pope Pius XII claimed to have witnessed the same "Miracle of the Sun".

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