Did Nietzsche read Hegel?


Did Nietzsche read Hegel?

Did Nietzsche read Hegel?

Nietzsche, who had been a student and a professor of philology, had a thorough knowledge of the Greek philosophers. Among modern philosophers, his reading included Kant, Mill and Schopenhauer, who became major targets of criticism in his philosophy. He also mentions reading Hegel at the age of twenty.

Was Schopenhauer a nihilist?

Schopenhauer would not have called himself a nihilist and most philosophers would not call his philosophy nihilism. His best known philosophical book was his 1818 work, The World as Will and Representation published when he was 30 years old.

What is the difference between Schopenhauer and Nietzsche?

Schopenhauer rejected traditional religion and espoused atheism but was sympathetic to traditional morality; Nietzsche rejected both traditional religion and traditional morality. Schopenhauer renounced life, he said the world is Hell, don't seek happiness in it; Nietzsche affirmed life and espoused earthly values.

Did Wittgenstein read Nietzsche?

Wittgenstein most certainly read Nietzsche, and there are a few records of his opinions. As early as 1914, Wittgenstein wrote that he was reading Nietzsche but was troubled by his attitude to Christianity (Notebooks 1914–1916).

Why did Nietzsche dislike Hegel?

Because Hegel, Nietzsche thought, had a very negative impact in terms of the way his system affected the politicians of his day. Instead of embracing their own vision and perspective, they deferred to some kind of compromise position, that they viewed as the results of dialectics.

Why is Schopenhauer underrated?

If he is underrated it is probably because he is known more for his aphorisms than for his work The World as Will and Representation, and because the clarity of this work makes Schopenhauer more vulnerable to criticism than philosophers like Hegel, Fichte or Heidegger.

What is Schopenhauer known for?

Arthur Schopenhauer has been dubbed the artist's philosopher on account of the inspiration his aesthetics has provided to artists of all stripes. He is also known as the philosopher of pessimism, as he articulated a worldview that challenges the value of existence.

Did Schopenhauer and Nietzsche meet?

The elder Schopenhauer (who died five years before Nietzsche even read The World as Will and Representation) had no direct contact with Nietzsche, but Schopenhauer left an indelible mark on Nietzsche. Nietzsche discovered Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation in a used book store in 1865.

How does Nietzsche disagree with Schopenhauer?

Schopenhauer rejected traditional religion and espoused atheism but was sympathetic to traditional morality; Nietzsche rejected both traditional religion and traditional morality. Schopenhauer renounced life, he said the world is Hell, don't seek happiness in it; Nietzsche affirmed life and espoused earthly values.

Did Wittgenstein read Kierkegaard?

This chapter examines Soren Kierkegaard's relation with Ludwig Wittgenstein and the Wittgenstein philosophical tradition, explaining that Wittgenstein had read a good deal of Kierkegaard's works, admired them, and even called his predecessor the most profound thinker of the nineteenth century.

Was Hegel a pantheist?

  • Comparing Hegel, Marx, Kant 's Views on Pantheism . 1.Hegel is a pantheist, meaning that he believes that everytng toeather comes to being God. Subsequently he believes that everythenig is one, menatin gtat reason and reality actually are the same thing, fuirtheremore Hegel believst that reality is reason, this is his "first Principle".

What kind of philosopher is Hegel?

  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (often known as G. W. F. Hegel or Georg Hegel) (17) was a German philosopher of the early Modern period. He was a leading figure in the German Idealism movement in the early 19th Century, although his ideas went far beyond earlier Kantianism , and he founded his own school of Hegelianism .

Is Schopenhauer a determinist?

  • Yes, Schopenhauer is a compatibilist, i.e. he believed we are free, in a determined world. He believed time, space and causality to be the forms in which we understand the word, and the world being simultaneously our representation, but also a thing-in-itself (following Kant ).

Who was Arthur Schopenhauer?

  • Arthur Schopenhauer, (born Febru, Danzig, Prussia [now Gdańsk, Poland]-died Septem, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]), German philosopher , often called the "philosopher of pessimism ," who was primarily important as the exponent of a metaphysical doctrine of the will in immediate reaction against Hegelian idealism.

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