Che cosa distrugge la vitamina D?


Che cosa distrugge la vitamina D?

Che cosa distrugge la vitamina D?

Quando la vitamina D è carente si verificano un anomalo assorbimento del calcio nel tratto intestinale e una ritenzione di fosforo a livello renale, con conseguente difetto di mineralizzazione dello scheletro. Una carenza di vitamina D ha effetti negativi anche su altre strutture organiche, in particolare sui muscoli.

Come aumentare la serotonina con integratori?

Gli integratori serotoninergici funzionano soprattutto inibendo la ricaptazione della serotonina oppure fornendo all'organismo triptofano, il precursore della serotonina. Le piante più efficaci da utilizzare come integratori serotoninergici sono: > l'iperico (Hypericum perforatum); > lo zafferano (Crocus sativus);

Do vitamin D supplements increase serotonin levels?

  • Vitamin D supplements don't contain tryptophan, so they won't directly cause your body to make more serotonin. They may still help individuals with low serotonin, however, because the vitamin acts as a hormone that helps release neurotransmitters, including serotonin. Though blood serotonin levels can be measured,...

What are the best vitamins for low serotonin?

  • Vitamin D helps encourage serotonin production and release. If you're not getting enough vitamin D, taking a supplement may help reduce symptoms related to low serotonin levels, but check with your doctor before beginning supplementation. Your body makes serotonin from tryptophan, which is found in high-protein foods like meat and poultry.

Does vitamin D hormone activate tryptophan hydroxylase in the brain?

  • Here, we present evidence that vitamin D hormone (calcitriol) activates the transcription of the serotonin-synthesizing gene tryptophan hydroxylase 2 (TPH2) in the brain at a vitamin D response element (VDRE) and represses the transcription of TPH1 in tissues outside the blood-brain barrier at a distinct VDRE.

What is serotonin and how does it affect the brain?

  • Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that acts on nearly all of the brain's cells, influencing mood, sleep, appetite and many other brain and biological functions. Low serotonin levels may contribute to depression, which is why antidepressants that raise serotonin levels can help people diagnosed with depression.

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