Qual'è elisione o apocope?


Qual'è elisione o apocope?

Qual'è elisione o apocope?

L'esatta grafia di qual è non prevede l'apostrofo in quanto si tratta di un'apocope vocalica, che si produce anche davanti a consonante (qual buon vento vi porta?) e non di un'elisione che invece si produce soltanto prima di una vocale (e l'apostrofo è il segno grafico che resta proprio nel caso dell'elisione).

Come si scrive buona amicizia?

Scriviamo dunque: qual è; qual era, buon uomo, buon amico. In presenza di elisione l'apostrofo va sempre scritto. In presenza di troncamento, invece, l'apostrofo va scritto solo in alcuni casi particolari.

What is the meaning of apocope?

  • Definition of apocope : the loss of one or more sounds or letters at the end of a word (as in sing from Old English singan) First Known Use of apocope circa 1550, in the meaning defined above

What is apocope in Māori?

  • In historical linguistics, apocope is often the loss of an unstressed vowel. The loss of a final unstressed vowel is a feature of southern dialects of Māori in comparison to standard Māori, for example the term kainga (village) is rendered in southern Māori as kaik.

What is an example of apocope in linguistics?

  • For example, a nominative is described as having apocope of the final vowel, but the genitive does not have it. Throughout its history, however, the genitive case marker has also undergone apocope: Estonian linn ("a city") and linna ("of a city") are derived from linna and linnan respectively, as can still be seen in the corresponding Finnish word.

Does the word “apocope” descend from a common ancestor?

  • These forms cannot be accounted for by regular ablaut variation, and if they actually descend from a common ancestor and are not at least partially sound-symbolic, the ancestor is more likely a European substratal word (or words) rather than a true Indo-European base. “Apocope.”

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