Come fare per curare i brufoli?

Come fare per curare i brufoli?
Utilizzare un trucco leggero e tenerlo sulla pelle meno tempo possibile. Prediligere i cosmetici che non irritano la cute. Utilizzare detergenti delicati. Trattare delicatamente la pelle del viso (ad esempio durante la fase di asciugatura).
What's the best acne treatment for menopausal acne?
- "Benzoyl peroxide, anti-microbial creams and retinoids are helpful,” she advises. If your menopausal acne is moderate to severe, you can try oral medication that include “antibiotics, androgen blockers like spironolactone, and oral retinoids,” says Dr Therianou.
Can benzoyl peroxide be used to treat menopausal acne?
- Benzoyl peroxide is an anti-bacterial medication that can reduce acne. Apply a small amount to any areas affected by menopausal acne after cleansing. This may reduce your acne and prevent breakouts.
Is menopause causing your acne pain?
- We feel your pain. As if navigating the perimenopause isn’t bad enough, hormonal changes can trigger menopausal acne, leaving women to deal with painful spots on top of other symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, low mood and difficulty sleeping.
Should I see a dermatologist for menopause acne?
- If you are experiencing menopausal acne, then you may wish to make an appointment with a dermatologist. Your local doctor is qualified to diagnose and help you with acne. The medical practitioner can diagnose the acne and formulate a treatment plan based on the severity.